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Abundance Creator Membership

A community for busy entrepreneurs ready to cultivate more clarity, create multiple streams of income, and build a freedom based business.

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A community designed to teach you how to monetize your online content without the social media hamster wheel, begging followers to engage or praying you get a brand to pay you for your efforts.

    “I 3xd my income within 90 days of working with Nakisha”

    Before getting in Nakisha's program I was overworked and underpaid. Once I joined I was finally able to gain some clarity on who my target audience was and began creating content for her! 90 days in I made $2500 from one strategy she had been teaching me to implement!


    “Her coaching has changed my entire business in just a few months”

    I had been putting all of my energy into trying to make Instagram work for me with little success. After one call with Nakisha she challenged me to try something different. A Youtube channel! With her coaching, after 63 days I was fully monetized on Youtube. In 90 days I had 4 different income streams and counting!

    tra michelle

    Join the waitlist now


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